The American Youth Movement
A Community Turn-around Organization (NFP)
“We Plant a Seed of a Unique Civilization by Integrating Diversity”

Our Value 

    “4. Perfection in character, for individuals and society, is the foundation on which civilization is built.”
    “7. Community service is the mechanism of social compassion.”

Our Actions & Results
March 14th, 2009: Recognition of Unsung Community Heros. First AYM Brotherhood and Community Awards

In the Court of Honor of Troop 317 and 99, the American Youth Movement recognized contributions of individuals and communities. Three brotherhood and one community award were presented. Don Meyer was the recipient of the Sensitivity of Brotherhood Award for his diversity awareness, sprit of accommodation, and bringing people to common grounds. Cheerful Service Brotherhood award was presented to Dave Davis for on going volunteering effort and service to the community. Chuck Foster exemplary character, on going volunteering efforts, and spirit of service earned him Role Model Brotherhood award.


Youth Activities

Our Value 

    “4. Perfection in character, for individuals and society, is the foundation on which civilization is built.”

Our Actions & Results
November 1 to 3, 2008: First Eagle Scout Project of Troop 99

The Garden of Knowledge and Light :

The vision of this landscaping design starts from the beginning of the path. The path takes the shape of arms and hands opening up the book of knowledge. It is wide from the base and then narrows as it gets closer to the circle. It includes four rows of pairs of flowers, representing the four years of high school. The beds on the south side of the circle are shaped to represent the palms of the hands holding the book. The circular shape area represents the sun as it shines its light with rays that spreads warmth everywhere. Then large white oak tree in the center of the circle, not only provides shade, but also symbolizes strong arms reaching out to serve and as a mark of open minds to knowledge. The exits on the west, east, and north sides, will be opening outward like rays of light coming out of the sun. The five other trees planted around it are like other planets, moons, and stars revolving around the sun. 

Right: The conceptual design of the Garden of Knowledge and Light.

" What a great effort!  I am impressed and excited to see this project get underway.” Mark Truckenbrod, Vice Principle, NVHS.

August 1 to 3, 2008: High Adventure Canoe Trip

BSA Troop 99 joined Troop 73 of Hill Side and Berkley, a Venturing Crew from Maple Park, IL, in a High Adventure Canoe Trip in the Ozark Park, MO. The trip was organized by Ed Gacek, the  High Adventure Coordinator of Three Fires Council. Twenty four miles were travelled  on Current River by a contingent of 8 youth and six adult leaders. 

The activity promoted interaction between diverse youth groups, some challenges along the course, and outdoor skills.

5/16/08: Court of Honor Joined with Troop-317

BSA Troop-99 joined sister Troop-317 in the Spring Court of Honor to recognize the achievements of the scouts and advancement. The brotherhood with Troop-317 is one example of living the principle of “Integrating Diversity”. Troop-317 played an important role in helping our starting troop. The relationship for the past four years proved enriching to both youth an adults. The camp-outs created the perfect atmosphere for bringing and blending diverse people together for better understanding, while maintaining uniqueness and identity of each community. 

4/19/08: National Guard Training Center Venture Crew Day

BSA Troop 99, of the American Youth Movement, joined other troops in the Indian Prairie District to a Venturing Activity Day* at the National Guard Training Center on Saturday April 19, 2008. The youth enjoyed a day of fun and leadership skill activities. The guard made a presentation at the end of the day about the advantages of joining the guard.


Our Value 

    “12. It is man’s responsibility to maintain the wellness of the earth environment, its inhabitants, and the sound use of its resources.”

Our Actions & Results
Feb 2009: AYM Seminar on Environment Change at American Islamic Association

As a result of the success of Save Life on Earth campaign, the At the American Islamic Association, Frankfort, Illinois-USA, opened its doors for the American Youth Movement to expand on 2008 activities. We conducted a seminar on environment.  The program was attended by weekend school students as well as some of their parents. The age group covered elementary, middle school as well as freshmen and sophomores.

The objective is to plant the seed of mercy in next generation by understanding how, for the first time in history, man is impacting climate. The program included video on Planet Earth to appreciate the bounties of the creator. It was followed by a presentation on the value of life, man’s roles and responsibility on Earth, challenges the planet faces, and a video of the root cause of the problem. The presentation was concluded by pointing out some ideas to start with at home, school and community.

May-June 2008: AYM Spawns Eight More Workshops on Environment Change in Chicago Suburbs in Support of KidsCall Campaign

American Youth Movement campaigned for KidsCall in Chicago, outreaching to community centers, neighborhood schools, friends and families. Due to short notice, not all potential institutions where able to accommodate us in there already established schedule. However, with a handful of small workshops, the results were outstanding.

" wow, thank you so much for uploading so many expressive pictures! ...... What is the context in which the kids created these works?" Jessica Kumbier, WFC.

From booths in the neighborhood, a community picnic, at a convention, Boy-scout Troop Meeting, to home dinner gathering, and formal workshop, there was a learning experience, and an eye opening for all. The workshop involved  knowing the facts on challenges facing humanity on planet earth. Facts on challenges facing planet earth from documentaries produced by National Geographic, such as “Strange Days on Planet Earth”, CNN, and other major channels were presented. A video on the root cause of problems, the Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard, proved to be intriguing to adults even more. The youth were engaged in dialogue to brainstorm what small steps to take toward a positive change.  Video statements, letters and paintings were taped, written and drawn. They represented the solutions the youth thought would help. 

Along with other youth in Chicago, the overall contribution was impressive. Chicago youth joined hands with youth from 45 countries who posted 10,000 appeals on the campaign website

1/15/08: American Youth Movement joins hands with World Future Council in KidsCall Campaign

KidsCall is a worldwide Youth Campaign on climate change & environmental destruction. The campaign promo tour started in INDIA and terminated in the USA in March. The aim is to hand over messages from the youth to the political leaders at this years G8-Summit in Lake Toya , Japan . Letters, emails, paintings, pictures, videos voicing youth concerns about the environment can be uploaded to the campaign webpage, and/or sent to the campaign headquarter, which in turn will be relayed to the world leaders so that they can take actions to install environmental policies at national and international levels.

On Saturday March 15th, the American Youth Movement organized a KidsCall workshop in  Chicago in the Naperville  Public Library. The library’s main conference hall was turned into a mini campaign and action center. We worked on climate change issues, presenting facts and background information and had a group discussion about individual solutions and approaches to live sustainable. 

Youths from the area wrote powerful messages to their local politicians and also to international policy makers. The workshop was an opportunity for boys, girls, teens, and youth of all ages to perform their duty as citizens in the World, Community and Nation. They made a difference in World's future.  Visit the “Photos” section on this web to catch a glimpse of the workshop. Click here to see letters, paintings, video statements of the youth.
Family (ITC Chicago, Inc. and American Youth Movement)

Our Value 

    “4. Perfection in character, for individuals and society, is the foundation on which civilization is built.”

Our Actions & Results

May 23 to 25, 2008: ScreamFree Parenting Workshop & Lectures

In partnership with ITC Chicago, the American Youth Movement supported the ScreamFree weekend in Chicago.  Hal Runkel and Jon Kaplan of ScreamFree Parenting, toured a number of community centers to promote the cool mindset parents should have to help their kids grow. Scream Free Parenting is about the parents not the children.  The maturity of parents conduct will ultimately impact the children behavior, and create the peaceful environment to raise healthy and sound children
Family and Parenting Workshops, conducted by ITC Chicago Inc., and the American Youth Movement, inspired the Community Builder Chicago Third Annual Convention on Family.

Lectures were held in Chicago land communities in Bridgeview, and Belmont. Hal Runkel delivered a presentation on his concept at Community Builder Chicago 3rd Annual Convention in Rosemont Convention Center. The theme of the convention was inspired by the workshops ITC Chicago and the American Youth Movement held in February and March of this year. Furthermore, Hal conducted a full day training and certified twenty new ScreamFree Facilitators.

5/10/08: Scout-O-Rama, Fun and Learning for the Family

Joining the scouting families of Three Fires Council, parents and children spent a day to learn and discover what scouting offers for learning and fun to both youth and adults. Over a hundred activities and displays where spread throughout the beautifully design Cantigny park in Wheaton, Illinois. Skydivers jumped flying the US flag to start a full day of activities.

Scouting is the backbone program the AYM builds upon for youth leadership and character building. 

3/8/08: Positive Parenting Workshop

In partnership with ITC Chicago, the American Youth Movement organized a Parenting workshop on Saturday March 8th, in the Naperville  Public Library. When children are not meeting parents expectations, parents and children are not relating to each other, and homes are no longer comfort zones parents need to understand the root cause of these issues and know the remedies. 

2/16/08: Realistic Expectations in Marriage Workshop 

In partnership with ITC Chicago, the American Youth Movement organized a workshop  in  the Naperville  Public Library on Marriage Relationships. Over expectations from each spouse and miscommunication creates a growing gap between the spouses marriage life. This workshop focused on understanding the roles and responsibility, setting expectations, and understanding limitations of each partner as first steps toward building a stronger relations.
Calendar of Events
  1. AYM Brotherhood and Community Awards 3/14/09/2009
  2. Going Green to Becoming Humane  2/1/09
  3. Eagle Scout Project 11/1/2008
  4. High Adventure Canoe Trip, Salem, MO 8/1/08
  5. Save Life on Earth Workshop, Frankfort, IL, 6/27/08
  6. Save Life on Earth Booth, Frankfort, IL 6/22/08
  7. Save Life on Earth Workshop, Belmont, IL 6/21/08
  8. Save Life on Earth Workshop, Willow Brook, IL 6/13/08
  9. Save Life on Earth, T-317, T-99, Naperville, IL 6/02/08
  10. Save Life on Earth in the Neighborhood,  Plainfield, IL 5/28/08
  11. Save Life on Earth Booth,  Rosemont, IL 5/25/08
  12. Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Rosemont, IL 5/25/08
  13. Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Belmont, IL 5/24/08
  14. ScreamFree Parenting Certified Facilitator Training, Bridgeview, IL 5/24/08
  15. Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Bridgeview, IL 5/23/08
  16. ScreamFree Dinner, Bridgeview, IL 5/23/08
  17. Court of Honor, Naperville, IL 5/16/08
  18. Scout-O-Rama, Wheaton, IL 5/10/08
  19. National Guard Venture Trip, Marseilles, IL 4/19/08
  20. Save Life on Earth Workshop, Naperville, IL: KidsCall Kickoff 3/15/08
  21. KidsCall Dinner, Plainfield, IL 3/14/08
  22. Positive Parenting 3/8/08
  23. Realistic Expectations in Marriages 2/16/08
Service Areas
  1. Youth & Family Development
  2. Community Service
  3. Outreach
  4. Public Education
  1. Boy Scout Troop-99
  2. Youth Summer Club
  3. Environmental Awareness