Calendar of Events
AYM Brotherhood and Community Awards 3/14/09/2009
Going Green to Becoming Humane 2/1/09
Eagle Scout Project 11/1/2008
High Adventure Canoe Trip, Salem, MO 8/1/08
Save Life on Earth Workshop, Frankfort, IL, 6/27/08
Save Life on Earth Booth, Frankfort, IL 6/22/08
Save Life on Earth Workshop, Belmont, IL 6/21/08
Save Life on Earth Workshop, Willow Brook, IL 6/13/08
Save Life on Earth, T-317, T-99, Naperville, IL 6/02/08
Save Life on Earth in the Neighborhood, Plainfield, IL 5/28/08
Save Life on Earth Booth, Rosemont, IL 5/25/08
Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Rosemont, IL 5/25/08
Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Belmont, IL 5/24/08
ScreamFree Parenting Certified Facilitator Training, Bridgeview, IL 5/24/08
Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Bridgeview, IL 5/23/08
ScreamFree Dinner, Bridgeview, IL 5/23/08
Court of Honor, Naperville, IL 5/16/08
Scout-O-Rama, Wheaton, IL 5/10/08
National Guard Venture Trip, Marseilles, IL 4/19/08
Save Life on Earth Workshop, Naperville, IL: KidsCall Kickoff 3/15/08
KidsCall Dinner, Plainfield, IL 3/14/08
Positive Parenting 3/8/08
Realistic Expectations in Marriages 2/16/08
Service Areas
Youth & Family Development
Community Service
Public Education
Boy Scout Troop-99
Youth Summer Club
Environmental Awareness