The American Youth Movement
A Community Turn-around Organization (NFP)
“We Plant a Seed of a Unique Civilization by Integrating Diversity”
We are Looking for Leaders!
In the United States of America, as well as some other parts in the world, we are witnessing unprecedented moments in human history. The proximity of people from different race, ethnicity, beliefs and practices surpasses any that ever happened before in time. It is not uncommon, in Metropolitan USA, to find the decedents of Europeans, Africans, Chinese, East Indians, Native Americans, Middle Easterners, and South Americans sitting in one room at the same table. All are coming from different cultural backgrounds, traditions and religious spectrum spanning Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, other convictions and practices. All are concerned about the same things; their kids in school, recognition of their immigrant group in the American society, cultural and religious needs to help their communities. Diversity is also being recognized in business and public sectors. Quite a few Americans are becoming sensitive and aware of many cultural issues that were not on their radar screen fifteen or twenty years ago.
The questions that pose themselves are “Does America want to be in the seat of only recognizing diversity ten, twenty, thirty years from now? Do we want to see our children sitting in where we are, nowadays, to just make sure that there ethnic group is still recognized on the calendar, and not discriminated against because of color, race, or religion? Looking back on the timeline of US history and its evolution, how do we want the county look like fifty or a hundred years from now? Do we have a stake in shaping this future? What do we wanted to be, and how can we make it happen?”  
The people of the USA have a historic opportunity that has never existed at the scale we are living in today. Not only that, but also the socioeconomic and political structure of the USA is unique compared to other parts of the world with similar diverse communities such as Europe, Australia, Canada, and the Arabian Gulf countries. The country’s natural resources, world status, and the one federal government puts the USA is in a prime position, and yields the highest potential to develop a new model of civilization that has its heritage from the whole humanity—A world class model of what a Global Human Civilization aught to be.
The American Youth Movement is about planting the seed of this unique civilization by defining the common grounds among diverse groups, and developing the next generation leaders who would carry this vision nationally and abroad. Our objective is to build a Nation that takes a middle course in all aspects of life; neither to extreme right nor to extreme left. A Nation that is balanced in its emotion, vision, character, and actions. We want to create a Nation that is amongst the best nations raised to mankind.
We are looking for leaders, who can turn this vision into reality. Highly spirited servant leaders who would pioneer projects that would change history. Individuals who think out of the box to look for better opportunities to serve our communities, country and the world. Leaders who are able to break the mental barriers among diverse groups and create a mosaic, a culture, and a fabric that is unique in human history.  Leaders who are willing to take off to the peaks of humanity, overcome human weaknesses and act as a role model for the next generation leaders. Leaders who are willing to take the first steps toward establishing the common grounds of integration—a move from reading to making history.
Although this task is a huge and daunting that it might seem far from achievement, yet our country has lived a similar example. The words and actions of handful of visionaries and leaders has created this country, and changed its course over time. As the pioneers crossed the Atlantic, from east to west, for a hope of a better life in the new world, we believe we can cross the ocean of diversity to create a new world with an even better life. The scale and form of the grounds we are starting from is something the first waves of immigrants, probably, have not dreamt or envisioned would ever exist.
Ahmad Sultan, Ph.D.
Top News
Brotherhood and Community Awards Spring 2009
Four years of cross-community integration was celebrated on March 14th by presenting American Youth Movement brotherhood and community awards to the unsung heros who made difference to the life of youth and adults in the neighborhood.
Right: Faith, Values, Brotherhood Award to the Catholic Community Church at 111th St, and Book Rd, Naperville, IL is received by Mr. J.R. Gray.
Going Green to Becoming Humane
As a result of the success of Save Life on Earth campaign, the At the American Islamic Association, Frankfort, Illinois-USA, opened its doors for the American Youth Movement to expand on 2008 activities. We conducted a seminar on environment.  The program was attended by weekend school students as well as some of their parents. The age group covered elementary, middle school as well as freshmen and sophomores.
The Sun Rises on the Garden of Knowledge and Light
In Naperville, Illinois-USA, the American Youth Movement sponsored the landscape project of the first Eagle Scout Candidate of  its Troop 99,  at Nequa Valley High School (NVHS) Freshman Campus.
The significance of this project is it represents the birth of the concept of integrating diversity. After four years with cross diverse group cooperation in youth development, the Oak Tree, representing the first stem of the unique civilization we are after, has been planted. To the AYM, this project is the first step in establishing the “One Big Family” ideal within our neighborhood and the country. The dream is becoming reality. The relationship between Boy Scout Troop 99, of the American Youth Movement, and Troop 317 of the Holy Spirit Catholic Community has brought this vision to fruition.
Above: Youth of Scout Troop 99, 317, and NVHS student building together the Garden of Light and Knowledge at NVHS Freshman Campus.
Conclusion of KidsCall-Save Life on Earth-Campaign
In Berlin, Germany, a delegation of 30 youngsters accompanied by World Future Council (WFC) Chair were invited for a meeting with the Personal Representative of German Chancellor Merkel for the G8-Process. On July 2nd the delegation handed over a scroll with approx. 200 selected messages. the delegation proceeded to the Japanese Embassy, where it was received by Ambassador Toshiyuki Takano. Every G8+5 Government received such a 1x10m scroll of messages.
Left: KidsCall Handover to German and Japanese Governments (c) WFC.
Read more at KidsCall News ...
We did our Best, and the Results Reached the Top
At the conclusion of KidsCall-Save Life on Earth world youth camping on environmental change, the contribution of the USA came as a result of the American Youth Movement efforts in Chicago. In North America, out of approximately 128 posted messages on the campaign website, KidsCall Gallery, 120 came from AYM workshops; this is a little over 93% of North American youth voice to G8 leaders in July 7th, 2008 summit in Japan. The average message posted per the 45 participating countries is approximately 200.
AYM   contributed over 60 Video Messages to KidsCall Campaign. They are also posted on YouTube.
" wow, thank you so much for uploading so many expressive pictures! ...... What is the context in which the kids created these works?" Jessica Kumbier, WFC.
Calendar of Events
  1. AYM Brotherhood and Community Awards 3/14/09/2009
  2. Going Green to Becoming Humane  2/1/09
  3. Eagle Scout Project 11/1/2008
  4. High Adventure Canoe Trip, Salem, MO 8/1/08
  5. Save Life on Earth Workshop, Frankfort, IL, 6/27/08
  6. Save Life on Earth Booth, Frankfort, IL 6/22/08
  7. Save Life on Earth Workshop, Belmont, IL 6/21/08
  8. Save Life on Earth Workshop, Willow Brook, IL 6/13/08
  9. Save Life on Earth, T-317, T-99, Naperville, IL 6/02/08
  10. Save Life on Earth in the Neighborhood,  Plainfield, IL 5/28/08
  11. Save Life on Earth Booth,  Rosemont, IL 5/25/08
  12. Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Rosemont, IL 5/25/08
  13. Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Belmont, IL 5/24/08
  14. ScreamFree Parenting Certified Facilitator Training, Bridgeview, IL 5/24/08
  15. Introduction to ScreamFree Parenting, Bridgeview, IL 5/23/08
  16. ScreamFree Dinner, Bridgeview, IL 5/23/08
  17. Court of Honor, Naperville, IL 5/16/08
  18. Scout-O-Rama, Wheaton, IL 5/10/08
  19. National Guard Venture Trip, Marseilles, IL 4/19/08
  20. Save Life on Earth Workshop, Naperville, IL: KidsCall Kickoff 3/15/08
  21. KidsCall Dinner, Plainfield, IL 3/14/08
  22. Positive Parenting 3/8/08
  23. Realistic Expectations in Marriages 2/16/08
Service Areas
  1. Youth & Family Development
  2. Community Service
  3. Outreach
  4. Public Education
  1. Boy Scout Troop-99
  2. Youth Summer Club
  3. Environmental Awareness
Next Generation Stewardship Development for
Servant Leaders of
the 21st Century and Beyond